Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Our Schedule 2010/2011

This week on Not Back to School Blog Hop at Heart of the Matter Online it's post about your schedule.

Not Back to School Blog Hop

We've had a tough time getting into a routine that works well this school year. We started school the end of July knowing we would take 4 weeks in August to visit family in Massachusetts and Long Island. We are currently still visiting family so a routine is hard since we're always doing something (this is after all a vacation!). Even though too much flexibility is sometimes stressful it's this flexibility that is one of my favorite aspects of homeschooling! Anway, here's our schedule that we will hopefully adhere to once we return home sometime after Labor Day.

6:00-7:00 I get up and some days attempt to work-out!
7:00-7:30 2 younger kids get up and have breakfast (no chance teenager would be up this early)
8:00 Bible devotion - START getting Teen up!
8:30 GET teen up!! Go over work with 2 younger kids (if they have new material we'll sit together otherwise they can do work on their own). Math/LA/Handwriting/Spelling
9:00 Get teen working on his assignments. I createde a weekly print-out in Word for him because he can do most work independently. He's usually done in 4 hours.
9:30 Go over keyboarding with 2 younger kids
10:00 Snack
10:30 Since 2 younger kids do American History and Science (Astronomy) together we'll do these. American History M/W/F and Science T/TH. I'll do reading and then we'll work on any projects or workbook assignments.
11:30 We're going to start Rosetta Stone Spanish I (2 younger kids and I-teen is doing German I on his own). We haven't started yet since our schedule has been crazy.
12:00 Go over any art projects with 2 younger kids, they can do either before or after lunch.
12:30-2:00 Kids have chores and free time (no TV or video games though)
2:00-3:00 Quiet reading in their rooms
After 3:00 kids can watch TV or play on their video games if they choose.

Our extracurricular activities are as follows:
MON- Girl Scouts - Becca
TUES- Martial Arts 6:30-7:30 pm - Logan
WED- Awanas/Studio 6:00-8:00 pm - All
THURS-Horseback Riding 10:00-10:30 am-Becca
Police Explorers 7:00-9:00 pm -Brandon

So this is what I hope to use as a guide once we get back home in a few weeks.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Pictures for School Year 2010-2011

Here are some pictures from our 2nd year of homeschooling for the Not Back to School Blog Hop at Heart of the Matter.

Not Back to School Blog Hop
I almost didn't get a chance to post this because we are currently on vacation visiting my parents up in Massachusettes.

This is my oldest son Brandon he is starting 9th Grade.

This is my daughter Becca she is starting 5th Grade.

This is my youngest son Logan he is starting 3rd Grade.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Curriculum 2010/2011

I am new to this so I am going to attempt to link to the "Not Back-to-School blog hop" at Heart of the Matter.
Not Back to School Blog Hop
We officially started our 2nd year of homeschool on July 19th. I've been doing some tweaking to our schedule to find something that works well for us. Since we are getting ready to go on vacation in a week I probably won't have something workable until September. I am also discovering that some of our curriculum needs to be adjusted, like our handwriting. Here's our curriculum to-date:

Brandon - 9th Grade

MATH: Saxon Geometry
LANGUAGE ARTS: Abeka Gr. 8 Grammar & Comp., Of Place Literature and an
assortment of novels.
HISTORY: Abeka Gr. 10 World History & Cultures and Current Events
SCIENCE: Apologia Exploring Creation with Biology
FOREIGN LANG: Rosetta Stone German
PE: Starting back to Martial Arts in Sept.
BIBLE: Not sure yet
Brandon will also be working on keyboarding skills.

Rebecca - 5th Grade

MATH: Abeka Gr. 5
LANGUAGE ARTS: Abeka Lang. A Gr 4
HANDWRITING: Abeka Penmanship Mastery I Gr. 4
READING: Abeka readers Gr. 4
SPELLING: Spelling Connections website lists
PE: Becca does Horseback Riding

Logan - 3rd Grade

MATH: Abeka Gr. 3
LANGUAGE ARTS: Abeka Language 3
HANDWRITING: Abeka Cursive Skillbook 3
READING: Abeka readers Gr. 3
SPELLING: Spelling Connections website lists
PE: will be starting back to Martial Arts in Sept.

Rebecca and Logan will be doing the following subjects together:
HISTORY: BJU Heritage Studies 3 (once we complete Revolutionary War)
SCIENCE: Apologia Exploring Creation with Astronomy
Rosetta Stone Spanish
ART: Abeka Art books Gr. 3 and 5
BIBLE: Currently doing a devotion a day and they will be starting Awana's soon. Hoping to do "Journey from Creation through Ice Age" by Ruth Martin and Cathy Canen starting in Jan.

Last year we didn't do very many field trips and I am hoping to do more this year. We are hopefully going to go into Boston next month while visiting family so we can see some of the places we are learning about in Revolutionary War. I am also hoping to visit a Planetarium.