Saturday, April 26, 2014

4/19 Weekly Wrap-Up

So here's my weekly wrap up.  I'm linking up with

So last weekend a friend and I did an Arts/Crafts Festival (she makes jewelry and I crochet).  The weather was HORRIBLE!  Rainy, and extreme winds.  We were able to set up our tent and stuff, but the winds were so bad that after about 2 hours some of the other vendors had their tents blow away.  We finally decided to pack it up and call it a day.  There were only a few people that braved the rain and wind to actually come out, we didn't sell anything.  It wasn't a total lose though since my husband's cousin has a shop in that area so we hung out and visited with her.

Set up at Craft Fair. Picture was taken during brief moment of sunshine.

This was the first Easter we've spent home in many years.  Usually we go to my sisters over in SC but since my kids have CRCT testing all next week that wasn't an option this year. 

So Logan lost a molar on Easter while eating a tootsie roll!  

Usually we start each day by watching CNN Student News while we eat breakfast followed by bible study listening to Bible Gateway however since we had testing this week we didn't do these things.

Monday:  Sunny low 70's.
School:  All week Becca and Logan have state testing (CRCT).  Since we do virtual school we have to go someplace to have the test administered and this year we went to the Gwinnett Environmental and Heritage Center.  Our testing time is 1:30pm each day.

Today they had Reading.  Now Becca gets small group accommodations (which means no more than 10-12 kids in the room with her) and she has all sections, except math, read to her.  Now since reading is obviously based on the students ability to read they can only read questions and answers, not the passages.  Since Becca struggles so much with reading  she reads extremely slow.  She started to panic during the test because they were reading the questions before she finished the passages and she eventually broke down and had to leave the room.  Since she left during the test it's basically void.  Logan did fine on test.

Today was a LONG day, the first day always is, we didn't get home until 8pm.

Other Activities:  I got all but 4 graduation announcements out in the mail today.  I also ordered Life of Fred fractions math book for Becca.  I've read good things about this and I'm excited to try it with her.

Exercise:  At the center where the kids are testing all week a friend of mine is also there with her daughter.  The center has some really nice hiking trails so we're planning to walk each day.  We walked 1.5 miles today.

Tuesday:  Rainy upper 60's.
School:  Today is Grammar for CRCT.  Last night after we got home the site coordinator contacted me and wanted to see if Becca could test earlier today, at 11am.  She would be able to test one on one with the administrator.  So I got her there early and she did great today.  She finished both sections with no problems.  Travis had off work today so he met me at the center to drop Logan off and pick Becca up.  He took Becca out to eat for lunch and then shopping at the mall. 

Logan did fine with testing.  When I asked him how it went his standard reply is "it was easy".

Other Activities:  This morning I had my first Mammogram.  For dinner I cooked salmon and rice and Trav and I watched Ghostbusters on Netflix.  I haven't seen that movie in years.

Exercise:  We weren't able to walk today since it was rainy out.

Wednesday:  Sunny 70's.
School:  Today was Math testing.  This is definitely Becca's worst subject.  With all the testing they did to determine her eligibility for Special Education she's basically at a 4th grade level and she's in 8th grade.  So it doesn't take much to figure out she's not going to do well on this test.  She finished the first section but when she got to the second section she basically froze and then started to cry.  They came and found me and said she would have to once again be pulled out of the test and of course this voids any work she did.  Logan said he did good except that he never did anything with finding the circumference of a circle and having to use Pi.  He couldn't stop talking about it, I think he just wanted to talk about Pi!!

Other Activities:  After everyone finished we went with our friends out to dinner at Chili's.  It was another long day.

Exercise:  We walked about 1.5 mile again today.

Vulture we saw on our hike today.

Thursday:  Cloudy, in the 70's.
School:  Today was Science.  Becca finished this test just fine.  She said that she knew some of the stuff.  Logan said he forgot about the different types of rocks and how they were formed (that was the first unit we did back in August.)

On the way home we stopped at Krispy Kreme donuts cause the HOT sign was on!  Anyone familiar with Krispy Kreme knows you can't just drive by if the HOT sign is on :)

Other Activities:  Before the kids had testing today I went down to Gwinnett Tech and picked up Brandon's cap and gown for graduation.  Can't believe that's right around the corner.  We grilled out some burgers for dinner and Becca made some velveeta mac n cheese.

Exercise:  Another friend met us today and we walked about 2 miles on the trials.

Brandon's Cap and Gown!!!

Friday:  Sunny, windy and upper 70's.
School:  Today is the last day of testing!!!  They had Social Studies.  For Becca it's Georgia history and for Logan it's World history (Canada, South and Central America, Mexico, Europe, Russia and Australia).  Becca did great again today.

Other Activities:  Becca had therapy this morning and after we picked up Chick-Fil-A and headed to the park to eat and enjoy some time outside before heading to testing.  Becca had a friend spend the night.

Fitness:  We walked about 1 mile today.

Enjoying some time at the park.

So in case your wondering what it means for Becca since she wasn't able to complete some of the CRCT test.....Nothing!  Since we're doing traditional homeschool for her through High School she didn't even need to take these tests to be honest.  She wanted to take them because she really wants to show us what she's learned.  If she we're staying with GCA next year she would have to do summer school then retake those portions of CRCT that she didn't complete.

So that's our week.  No big plans for the weekend, just relaxing after testing all week.  Thanks for stopping by.

Friday, April 18, 2014

4/12 Weekly Wrap Up

So here's my weekly wrap up.  I'm linking up with

Last weekend I did the Dirty Girl Mud Run at Lake Lanier with my daughter Becca, a good friend and both my sisters.  We had a blast!!  My parents came down from Massachusetts to visit and come see us in the run.  On Sunday we all went bowling at Stars and Strikes.  Hubby got home from fishing and cooked us up some trout.  It was yummy.  I also finally watched (most of) Frozen.

Becca and I ready to get muddy!

After....all muddy!!

Every day we start off watching CNN Student News while we eat breakfast followed by bible study listening to Bible Gateway.

Monday:  Rainy mid 60's
School:  Watched CNN.

We started school late and after our big weekend with family visiting no one was really motivated to do school work.  Logan and Becca attended some CRCT review classes.

Other Activities:  Quick cleaned after everyone left.

Tuesday:  Rainy 60's
School:  Watched CNN and listened to Exodus 21-23.

Logan finished all his SI quizzes and worked on some test review.

Brandon and I sat for 4 hours working on Earth Science.

Wednesday:  Sunny and Cool.
School:  Watched CNN.

Kids worked again on review stuff.  Brandon and I worked on another unit in Earth Science.

Other Activities:  Hubby was home today.  He went and registered our cars and took Brandon for a hair cut.  We grilled out some steaks and sausages.

Thursday:  Sunny and Cool.
School:  Watched CNN.

Logan and Becca worked on review stuff (can't wait till tests are over next week).

Brandon worked in Personal Finance and Government class.

Other Activities:  Becca had horseback riding.  She did an excellent job cantering today.  After lesson we went to mall so she could get some stuff at Lush.  We had lunch in food court and I even managed to get another swimsuit for Jamaica :)  Then we ran over to Cosco for stuff.  After we got home and unloaded I had to run back up to Target so I could get stuff for Easter.

Becca excited she got to finally go to Lush for bath stuff

Friday:  Rainy and Cold.
School:  Kids took today off.  Not really planned but that's what happened.  I think they were tired of reviewing stuff for testing next week.  I also found out that I can pick up Brandon's cap and gown for graduation next Wednesday or Thursday.  Can't believe that's right around the corner.

Other Activities:  Becca had therapy and I talked with her therapist about whether she'll need to continue seeing her once school starts back up in August or if she'll be done when school ends in May.  She said she thinks she may be done.

We spent a few hours in the afternoon visiting with several of Becca's friends at one of their houses.  The girls played Just Dance on Wii and messed around making some movies.

When we got home I packed all my stuff up for an Arts and Crafts Festival Becca and I are doing tomorrow.  Not looking forward to getting up at 6am.

Next week I really need to get back into exercising.

Thanks for stopping by and seeing how our week went.

Friday, April 11, 2014

4/6 Weekly Wrap Up

So here's my weekly wrap up.  I'm linking up with

The weekend was gorgeous, temps in the 70's.  On Saturday I got up early (before the sun) to start setting up for the yard sale.  I did pretty good, made more money than I'd hoped and got rid of a ton of "Stuff".  Sunday the kids and I called and sang Happy Birthday to my niece, she turned 4.

This week is very light on school since we took Wednesday, Thursday and Friday off for Spring Break.  Every day we start off watching CNN Student News while we eat breakfast followed by bible study listening to Bible Gateway.

Monday:  Thunderstorms.
School:  We watched CNN news and listened to Exodus 17-20.

Kids did minimal school work today.  Becca worked some in study island.

Other Activities:  Trav was home today and spent most of day organizing his things for his fishing trip this weekend with his friends.

Crocheted plant holder I made over weekend

Tuesday:  Sunny and cool.
School:  Kids attended some CRCT testing review classes.

Other Activities:  I had a Dr's appointment for a physical.  Becca had horseback riding this afternoon.  Did some errands before her lesson.  Brandon actually requested a book from library on the Crusades, so not like him.  Went to Goodwill and found an old Tshirt for the mud run this weekend. 

Yeah!!  Got my passport, Jamaica here we come :)
Wednesday:  Sunny and upper 60's.
School:  on Spring Break

Other Activities:  Had to run back to Dr.s so they could draw my blood.

Fitness:  Met my friend at the park and walked 2 miles.

My horribly, bad dinner
Thursday:  Sunny and cool.
School:  On Spring Break

Other Activities:  Trav came home, loaded his car and headed to the mountains for his fishing trip.  Spent the whole day cleaning and organizing.  I had Bunco with friends in the neighborhood, didn't win anything. :(

Friday:  Sunny and low 70's
School:  On Spring Break

Other Activities:  Got up before the sun to finish cleaning.  My parents are coming to visit for the weekend from Massachusetts and my sister from North Carolina and my other sister from South Carolina with her kids.  My sisters, Becca and a friend of mine we're all doing the Dirty Girl Mud Run tomorrow.  We headed to Becca's therapy and found out it was cancelled.  Did several errands and got back home by lunch.  Worked on blog post and catching up on my show Revenge.  Family arrived, ordered some pizza and had fun catching up.

Thanks for stopping by and checking out what our week was like.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

3/30 Weekly Wrap Up

So here's my weekly wrap up.  I'm linking up with

Last weekend Becca started riding lessons at a new barn only 10 minutes from our house, she loves it.  She still has the same instructor she's had for the past 3 1/2 years.  She is able to go before her lesson and help around the barn.

I made a delicious whole Crockpot Chicken

Every day we start off watching CNN Student News while we eat breakfast followed by bible study listening to Bible Gateway.

Monday:  Sunny in the 70's. 
School:  We watched CNN news but we skipped bible study today.

I received some more info about Brandon's graduation ceremony.  I need to work on getting announcements and party invites out.  I also received info about Logan and Becca's test site for CRCT ( required testing for virtual school they attend).

Brandon continued to work on catching up in some of his courses. and Becca and Logan did minimal school stuff.  Our school is actually on Spring Break this week but we decided to kinda break up our break since the kids in neighborhood have next week off.

Other Activities:  Becca and I had a meeting with a  guidance counselor at Gwinnett Online Campus (GOC) to discuss possibility of her attending that school next year.  I don't think it's going to work for us.  They expressed that they don't have accommodations available for her academic wise.  So after some discussion with hubby we've decided to go back to traditional homeschool for High School for her.  It's kind of scary and exciting!  Becca's very excited to be going back to traditional homeschool.  So I'll be exploring our curriculum options in the weeks to come.

Logan had a meet and greet at GOC and I am very excited for him to attend this virtual school next year.  It has the perfect blend of virtual/face-face and rigorous curriculum.  After Logan and I stopped by Checkers for dinner.

Logan and I enjoying time by ourselves.  Went to Checkers for dinner after open house.

Tuesday:  Sunny and 70's
School:  We watched CNN news but skipped bible again.

Kids worked on general school stuff.  Brandon is almost finished with that Nutrition class.

Other Activities:  The kids had their last bowling league game and we did a pizza party.  Unfortunately we had to leave early because my wonderful, hard working husband was receiving an award for going "Above and Beyond" at one of his part time jobs (phlebotomy at a hospital).  He wanted me to attend with him so it meant leaving the bowling party before the top players and teams were announced.  We found out later that Becca was top girl bowler and Logan was most improved boy bowler and his team "The Killerz" won 1st place team.  The kids were excited to hear about this.  The award ceremony for my hubby was very nice, they had appetizers and it was neat to see where he spends some of his days in the lab. 

After the ceremony we went out for dinner at Applebee's and brought back Chick-Fil-A for the kids.

Fitness:  I walked 1 mile in the neighborhood, did 40 sit ups and some arm exercises.

Wednesday:  Sunny and 80's!!!!
School:  We watched CNN news and listened to Exodus 14-16 in bible.

Logan finished Language Arts quizzes and 1/2 Science quizzes in Study Island.

Becca did her NML class and reading in her book.

Other Activities: More cleaning and organizing of stuff!!  Started working in basement to organize and get stuff for yard sale I'm hoping to have this weekend.

Fitness:  I met a friend at park and we walked 2 miles, it was VERY hot but we persevered. :)  I also did some leg and butt toning and 40 sit ups.

Becca reading her book outside with he cat Octavious.

Thursday:  Sunny and 80's again :)
School:  We didn't have school today....we're on a mini Spring Break today and tomorrow.

Other Activities:  Did grocery shopping, went to banks and stopped to get my eyebrows waxed.  Continued to work on organizing basement and getting things together for yard sale.  Started putting tags on things in garage.

Made a really yummy salad for lunch.  Found a recipe for tuna fish, cannellini beans, Italian dressing, little fresh lemon juice and sliced red onions.  It was good.

Fitness:  Walked 2 miles at the park with 2 friends.  Becca and her friend joined us today.  Did some toning exercises.

Friday:  It was supposed to be rainy and stormy but turned out 70's and cloudy.
School:  On Spring Break today.

Other Activities:  Spent all day organizing and tagging stuff for yard sale I'm having this weekend.  Trip to Home Depot to but signs.  Made a yummy pork, broccoli stir fry for dinner.  Surprised the kids with a trip after dinner to Dairy Queen for some yummy blizzards. :)

Tulips on side of house.

Thanks for stopping by and checking out what our week was like.