Sunday, August 17, 2014

8/16/14 Weekly Wrap-Up: Our official start of school

I'm linking up with


So this was our official first week of school.  Logan started his classes at his new virtual school and I started a few classes at home with Becca.  Logan is in 7th grade this year and Becca is starting 9th.  It seems alittle strange that Brandon is done with school (well high school at least).

We usually start each day by watching CNN Student News while we eat breakfast followed by bible study listening to Bible Gateway however this week we didn't get to bible study, only CNN news (and only a few days).  We're trying to find our groove with Logan's new schedule.

For Becca we're using the following curriculum:

Math:  Life of Fred Fractions
History:  Abeka World History and Cultures
Science:  Apologia Biology
Literature: Abeka Of Places Literature (we'll also be adding some novels once she gets a kindle for her birthday)
She'll also be doing PE and Health.  I have some teen yoga DVD's I got from Netflix (she wants to do Yoga) and we'll be walking and she does horseback riding. 
I'm also looking into some classes at a new homeschool center that a friend of mine is opening in September.  Maybe she can do cooking and art.

Monday:  Normally Logan only has live classes on Tues and Thurs but since this was the first week they had the kids attend all day on Monday.  So he had school from 9-2p.  He completed all his student information sheets and submitted them and did all the orientation quizzes.  All his curriculum is assigned by the school since it's a virtual public school.  He has the option to attend his classes live at the school on Tues and Thurs from 9-12 (which we plan to do) or he can watch classes from home.  The other days he does his lessons at home.

Becca did 2 lessons in Life of Fred, Chapter 1 in World History and defined all chapter terms.


Logan's First day of 7th Grade          Becca's first day of 9th Grade
Tuesday:  Today Logan had live classes in Math Enrichment, Math and Social Studies (he's studying the Middle East and Africa this year).

Becca and I watched Kingdom of David: by the rivers of Babylon on Amazon Prime.  We also did 2 lessons on Life of Fred and started Chapter 2 in World History.

In the evening I met some friends up at Starbucks so we could catch up and talk about starting our book club back up again.

Wednesday:  Today Logan was home all day to work on lessons.  Most of the day I spent working with him trying to figure out his new virtual lessons.

Thursday:  Logan had live classes at school in Language Arts (he loves his teacher), Digital Photography and Science (this year he'll be studying Life Sciences).  After I picked him up we went to Burger King for lunch.  Since we're still trying to figure this system out and get in a groove we had several lessons to catch up on in SS so we wound up working until 6pm!

Becca did 1 lesson in Life of Fred, and we finished Chapter 2 in World History and she defined terms.

Friday:  Today the kids and I went to a park down the street that has a nice lake they can swim in with a beach.  One of the homeschool groups we're part of had a "Not Back to School" party.  The kids had fun spending the afternoon with their friends.  This is one of the many reasons we love homeschooling and virtual schooling.

Enjoying lunch at the lake

On Saturday Becca had a riding lesson then after her and I went to get our hair cut.  Becca was very happy with how hers turned out :)

Becca's new haircut

Thanks for stopping by and checking out how our week went.

Friday, August 8, 2014

8/9/14 Weekly Wrap-Up

I'm linking up with


So it's been pretty busy here this week.  We officially start school next week (minus my oldest son who graduated this past May).  My youngest son is going to a virtual public school in our County that he'll attend on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9-12 for classes and complete the rest of his assignments virtually.  We're very excited about this opportunity.  On Wednesday and Thursday we had orientation at his school from 9-12 to go over important information regarding the new school year.  Logan was nervous but after the second day he announced that he made 3 new friends and wants to join some clubs including Student Leadership Team.  After orientation Thursday Logan and I ran some errands.  I had to get my tires rotated at Costco and we stopped by Target to get him a new backpack to safely carry his laptop back and forth to school.  While we were out and about we stopped by and had lunch at Steak and Shake, he was very excited to get a milkshake with lunch.  On Friday the Logan had to login to the school from home, they want to make sure all the kids can access their classes remotely.  It was also "bring your pet to school" day.  With the help of his sister he was able to show off our crazy cat Octavious.  

Logan showing Octavious to his classmates during "bring your pet to school" day

My friend is coming over this weekend to visit and hopefully we can find some craft fairs in the area to attend this Fall and sell some of the stuff we make.

Thanks for stopping by.  Next week the posts will start with back to school information.

Butterfly in our butterfly bush.