Sunday, May 25, 2014

5/10 and 5/17 Two Weekly Wrap-Ups

So here's two weekly wrap ups.  I'm linking up with


So it's been pretty busy around here finishing up school so I'm just going to post some of the highlights from the last 2 weeks.

Our crazy cat Octavious

My poor husband got into a car accident, fortunately only his truck was damaged and not very bad at that.  Which is good seeing as the driver was not only drunk but also uninsured!

Mother's day was quiet.  The kids made me a "French Café" inspired breakfast in bed.  Later in the day we went to our pool for a few hours to hang out.

On 5/13 Brandon finished ALL his classes....he is officially done with High School.  His graduation ceremony is next weekend.  It's very exciting, he finished with all A's and B's.  Very proud of him.

On 5/22 Brandon finally got his drivers license!  Lots of big events for him this month, he turned 18, opened his checking/savings account, got his drivers license and he graduated High School!!

Logan and Becca officially finished school on 5/22.  Becca didn't do so well but I'm not concerned seeing as we're doing traditional homeschool next year.  Logan finished with all A's and he exceeded state standards on his Reading and Grammar CRCT tests.  Very proud of him.

On Monday 5/12 we had an end of year beach party at the lake down the road from us.  The kids had fun playing and visiting with friends.

Fun at the lake :)

We had an alligator snapping turtle show up in our front garden this past week.  He was pretty big!

Alligator snapping turtle

So those are pretty much the highlights of the past 2 weeks.  Thanks for stopping by and seeing what's been going on in our world!

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