Saturday, March 15, 2014

3/10/14 My First Week In Review

So....I'm going to try to start linking up with Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers Friday link up.  I've been reading the link ups for years! 

Since January Becca and Logan have been watching CNN Student News while they eat a most nutritious breakfast of cereal and poptarts!  After breakfast we gather on the couch to follow in our bibles while we listen to a dramatized reading of the bible on Bible Gateway.

So here's a recap of our past week.....

Monday:  Today was a beautiful spring day, sunny and 73 out, the spring flowers have started to bloom.  Today is also my mom's birthday :)  In the bible we listened to Genesis 26-27.  The kids worked on school until lunch.  Then Becca had a make-up horseback riding lesson so we left about 12:15 to head there.  On the way home we stopped at Goodwill to see if we could find any cute shoes to go with her dress for the semi-formal spring dance she's going to at the end of the month, no luck.  We also stopped at the post office to mail off my mom's gift (I'm always late!).  Later that evening Becca and I headed to the Starbucks in Target so I could meet some friends for book club and she met her friend so they could walk around and visit.  This month we read Finding Alaska by John Green.  The book was ok, definitely not a book I would allow my teen child to read and that's the age group this book targets.

Crocheted wreath I made for my mom

Tuesday:  Today was another sunny, spring day in the 70's.  In the bible we listened to Genesis 28-30.  Becca worked some on her middle school project that's due at the end of the week on Horses.  She worked on creating questions for a trivia game she's making up.  Logan worked on his middle school project which is on the History of the United Kingdom.  He researched some info on Prince Henry the Navigator and UK and Australia.  Becca and Logan are part of a homeschool bowling league that bowls Tues. at 1pm, today we pre-bowled at noon since hubby and I have an appt.  Hubby and I are going on a 20th anniversary trip this summer to Jamaica so we had an appointment today at the Post Office to apply for passports, very exciting.  Unfortunately the lady told me my birth certificate was not an actual birth certificate and I couldn't get a passport:(  So....I have to contact state I was born in and get my certificate.  Once we got home however I contacted the Dept. of State and asked them about certificate I have and they said it meets requirements as proof of citizenship, my mom also has same certificate I have and she was successful in obtaining a passport.  So tomorrow I'll call back PO and reschedule applying for my passport, what a pain!  (But it'll be worth it in a few months when we're in Jamaica!!)  For dinner we has yummy corn beef.  Hubby and I watched the new show Resurrection that was on ABC it was pretty good.

Wednesday:  Today was rainy, chilly and very WINDY!!  On CNN Student News this morning I learned that 25 years ago on this day the World Wide Web appeared (where would we be without the internet!!)  It got me thinking about the "old days" when we had dial up internet!  In the bible we listened to Genesis 31-33.  Becca worked more on her project, she created a horse collage and wrote a poem.  Logan finished gathering his information and we started putting it into a powerpoint presentation.  I called PO and rescheduled my appt. for tomorrow afternoon.

Thursday:  Today was sunny but cold, last night was down in the 20's and we had to turn the heat back on in the house (such crazy weather down here).  In the Bible we listened to Genesis 34-36.  Today our library books were due so I renewed them to avoid late fees.  Logan kmailed his project to his homeroom teacher.  Becca finished questions for her trivia game and worked on her detailed paragraph on horses.  We finalized her powerpoint presentation, we'll finish work cited page and turn it in tomorrow.  I had my rescheduled appt. at PO for my passport.  Tonight was Bunco for me in neighborhood with friends, I won $4.00 and two cool prizes (a scarf and make-up travel bag).

Friday:   Today was sunny in 60's.  We didn't do bible today.  Today, for those that didn't know, was National Pi day!!!  We have pumpkin pie for dessert later tonight.  Today is our busy, run around day.  Becca started physical therapy a few weeks ago and she usually has her riding lesson at noon, it got cancelled today.  Becca was recently put in special education at her online school and diagnosed with minor fine motor integration so she does 1 hour of therapy once a week.  On the way home I stopped at store to pick up ingredients to make Stuffed Sandwiches for dinner.  Becca and I left around 3pm to meet friends at Chick-Fil-A, the kids get together and visit and play Minecraft on 2nd and 4th Fridays.  We usually hang out till around 5pm.  Today we took one of Becca's friends home to spend the night.

Stuffed Sandwiches
2 lb ground beef, browned and fat drained
2 cans Campbells Cheddar Cheese soup
1/2 green pepper, diced (you could also add some diced onion)
Several dashes Worcestershire sauce (add to your liking)
Sub rolls, slice and hollow out, add removed bread to mixture

Fill sub rolls and top with American cheese slices, put lids back on and put in 350 oven to toast and melt cheese.

I hope you enjoyed catching up with our doings for the past week.  We have a relaxing laid back weekend planned.


  1. Welcome to the wrap up :). Do you both of your kids follow an online school? Do you enjoy it?

  2. Thank you. Actually I have 3 kids that do online school. My oldest is graduating this year. This is only our 2nd year doing online school (we did traditional homeschool for 3 yrs before that) and I don't love it. I enrolled the kids for 2 reasons, one so my oldest could be more challenged, I didn't feel like I was able to focus on his education as much as I wanted. And 2 for my daughter, she has learning issues and wasn't progressing the way I'd hoped with just me. I'm not so sure this is the best solution but it's where we are now. :)

  3. Welcome to the wrap up! We only do some online school here because I didn't love it very much when we were full time onliners. However, we use a lot of online lessons to boost what we're learning from our books. Sometimes they just need "more" than I can give them.
