Saturday, March 29, 2014

3/24 Weekly Wrap-Up

So here's my weekly wrap up.  I'm linking up with

Flowers in front garden :)

So over the weekend I decided to start cleaning out my master bathroom.  I managed to get a giant garbage bag from under my sink and 4 drawers and a 2nd bag from our linen closet!  Crazy how much junk I had.  I also downloaded an app for my phone called Runkeeper.  I worked on organizing my pictures on my laptop and created a folder for a picture a day for 2014.  We finally got our outside Christmas bins and decorations out of the garage and stored in the attic.
One of my trash bags from the MBR

Every day we start off watching CNN Student News while we eat breakfast followed by bible study listening to Bible Gateway.

Monday:  Today was sunny, cold this morning only 34* BRRR. 
School:  In the bible we started in Exodus 1-3.  Both Becca and Logan have finished the 30 hours requirement for Health.

I worked with Brandon for 3 hours on his consumer math class, I really want to get this class done by the end of the week.  He continued to work in his Nutrition/Wellness class and Government, if he finishes quizzes in Govt. by Friday he gets 10 pts extra credit. 

Becca had her NML (National Math Lab) class this week and she worked on a reading assignment.

Logan worked on finishing quizzes for Social Studies.   We found out that Logan got a 97% on his middle school project on Great Britain, he was super excited! 

Other Activities:  Becca had a Girl Scout meeting this evening and she got to teach the girls how to make a duct tape bracelet, they all enjoyed the craft.  We also scheduled our last meeting for next month and we're going to have a cookout.  We also planned a trip to an amusement park (Lake Winni) for May.
 Becca showing the GS troop how to make duct tape bracelets

Tuesday:  Cold and Very windy/cloudy out.   
School:  In the bible we listened to Exodus 4-6.  I think we may do school next week and take spring break the following week.  Our school has off next week but all the kids in the neighborhood have off the following week. 
Worked with Brandon on finishing another complete math unit. 

Becca and Logan worked on math and social studies. 

Other Activities:  At bowling we planned a party for next week since it's the last week of our league.  After bowling I drove by Gwinnett Online Campus (GOC) and dropped paperwork off so both Becca and Logan can go there next year.  It's basically the same thing we do now, all school work is done at home virtually, except they can actually go to the campus 1 day a week for classes if they choose.  Our internet was down for 3 hours today, the kids didn't know what to do!!  I worked on sewing Becca's dress for her spring formal dance on Friday.

Fitness:  I did 40 sit ups :)

Wednesday:  Sunny but cold. 
School:  In the bible we listened to Exodus 7-11, all 10 plagues in Egypt. 

Worked again with Brandon on math.  He finished his Government quizzes so he gets 10 extra credit points. 

Becca worked on NML, Georgia history and finishing her friendship bracelet for therapy. 

Logan worked on German, science, math, and social studies. 

Other Activities:  Becca and I went to Michaels to find some kind of ribbon so I can add straps to her strapless dress, we found some really pretty rhinestone ribbon.  We also went to Target and found some sandals she can wear with the dress.  Travis and I watched the latest episode of The Walking Dead.
 The straps we found and I sewed onto her dress.

Thursday:  Sunny and 60.
School:  In the bible we listened to Exodus 12-13. 

Brandon finished his math class YIPEEEE!!!  He continued working in his Nutrition/Wellness class hopefully he has that finished soon.

Becca had NML and she worked on reading her book and she finished her bracelet for therapy.

Logan worked on science and watched a CRCT review class.   

Other Activities:  Becca did her nails and toes for the dance tomorrow they came out great.  I called GOC and set up an appointment for Monday morning to meet with a guidance counselor and set up Becca's classes for next year. 

Fitness:  I also met a friend at the park and we walked 2 miles. 

Cleaning Accomplishment:  I looked through a HUGE stack of magazines and got rid of them.
 Becca did her nails for the dance

Friday:  Rainy and Cold.
School:  We didn't listen to the bible today.

Brandon continued work in Nutrition/Wellness class.

Logan worked on various lessons.

Becca had therapy this morning.  She brought the friendship bracelet with her that she finished.  I gave her therapist 2 copies of her writing.  They talked about Becca keeping a planner and ways she can remember the order of several step instructions.

Other Activities:  After therapy we stopped by Goodwill to find a cream colored sweater she can wear over her dress, we were successful!  When we got home Becca worked on her make-up, it came out beautiful!  We pulled her hair over to the side and attempted to curl it with hot rollers and curling iron, her hair just wouldn't hold the curl.  Fortunately for her she has beautiful thick hair so it looked gorgeous even without the curl :)  We met several of her friends before the dance at Ruby Tuesday's for dinner.  The dance was from 7pm-10pm and they all had a blast.
Becca ready for the Spring formal "Behind the Mask"
Thanks for stopping by and getting a peek at our week.  Enjoy the weekend.


  1. Her dress is beautiful!! Love the mask, too!

    1. Thank you! We got a great deal on it too at a local consignment shop:)

  2. Oh, she looks adorable! Love the sew on straps. I'm visiting from Weekly Wrap up.

    1. Thank you, I was so happy when I found those straps.
