Last weekend Becca spent night at a friends house and I watched Demolition Man (love that movie...."All restaurants are Taco Bell" LOL). I made a trip to the library and checked out 2 books by Dean Koontz, not sure if I'll actually read them or not:) and I got a travel book on Jamaica. On Sunday I had a HOA meeting (I'm on the board for our neighborhood HOA). I also ordered Brandon's HS graduation announcements, that's CRAZY!!
Every day we start off watching CNN Student News while we eat breakfast followed by bible study listening to Bible Gateway.
Monday: Cold/Rainy day. Happy St. Patricks Day! We listened to Genesis 37-39. We had a very laid back school day. Becca and Logan were just happy they'd finished their middle school projects last week. Becca doesn't have her National Math Lab (NML) class this week because they're on spring break. NML is a small group class she attends every day except Friday, they go over math concepts in depth and at a slower pace than her regular 8th grade class. She really enjoys this class. We did some house cleaning and I finally got around to mopping the floors. In the late afternoon a friend of mine came over to visit and have dinner with us, no green food or corned beef (we did that last week), we grilled out burgers:)
Yes 90% of the time Logan wears PJ's all least today their green
(which just so happens to be his favorite color)
Wednesday: Another drizzly morning, sun popped out later. We listened to Genesis 43-45. Today I worked with Brandon for 3 hours to help catch him up in his math class. It's so frustrating that he's not more motivated to learn on his own. Becca's been reading The Tale of Emily Windsnap, a book about a mermaid. It's not on her reading list, honestly the books on her list are too hard for her and very boring. Since Becca detests reading I feel if she shows any interest I let her read what she wants! Some reading is better than no reading in my book. Also found out today that luggage for our flight costs $25/bag, may look at upgrading to 1st class when we get to the airport because bags are included.
Thursday: Sunny and in 70's. Today is the FIRST DAY OF SPRING!!! We listened to Genesis 46-50, finished Genesis today. Worked more with Brandon on math. Did typical Thursday errands, grocery store and SAM's club with hubby. Before Sam's we went to Logans Roadhouse for lunch. (Just don't tell Logan we ate there he'll be really upset we ate a restaurant named after him LOL). Travis and I caught up on our show Revolution.
Gorgeous Bradford Pear trees lining entrance to my neighborhood
Friday: Frost in the morning, but Sunny and 70's in afternoon. We didn't listen to bible today. Logan worked on German lessons and Brandon worked on Nutrition/Wellness and Government classes. Becca had therapy at 10am, she has a friendship bracelet she needs to finish making before next week. We stopped in at Goodwill and Walmart looking for some sandals for Becca for her dance next week, no luck. Found her some new flip flops and an organizer for me to use to help organize all our travel cups. I found 2 sundresses at Goodwill. After her riding lesson we went to a friends house so she could hang out and play Minecraft. We visited for about 3 hours. I finished reading Insurgent by Veronica Roth on kindle. Brandon's graduation announcements came in mail today.
Travel cups organized thanks to Pinterest idea. |
Brandon's Graduation Announcements
Thanks for stopping by and reading about our week!
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